Receptionist / Administration Assistant

Website Leighland Christian School

“A hope filled Christian community pioneering personalised real-world education”


Leighland Christian School is a thriving, community-centred non-denominational, independent Christian School of over 660 students, with a K-12 Campus at Ulverstone and a K-6 Campus at Burnie.


Expressions of interest are sought for the following position to commence 28 April 2025:


Receptionist / Administration Assistant

Burnie Campus

Fixed Term (Long Service Leave replacement)

Part time, 30 hours per week for 12 weeks

28 April 2025 – 25 July 2025


Administration experience working within educational environments/relevant administration experience is desirable. This role is Tuesday – Friday and includes one week during the term break.


A copy of the Working at Leighland document and Statement of Faith and a position description are available on our website.

Please submit your application online via the link below: 


Your application should include a cover letter and resume.

A current Drivers Licence, current Working with Vulnerable People card and a written reference from a pastor/minister are essential requirements for your application to be considered.


Leighland Christian School is a child safe employer and is committed to the welfare of children and their protection. All potential employees and volunteers will be required to comply with the School’s Child Safe Policy and Code of Conduct.


Please contact the Human Resources, Ashleigh Hamilton on (03) 6425 0999 or email if you have any questions.


** We will be assessing applications as they are submitted, therefore if you are shortlisted you may be called for an interview before the closing date on the advertisement. **


Closing date for applications:  3.00pm Friday 4 April 2025

To apply for this job email your details to

Christian Schools Australia

The Christian Schools Australia office will be closed from COB Friday 17 December and will reopen Tuesday 4 January.


The jobs site will be monitored sporadically during this time so there may be a delay in the publishing of your advertisements.


Have a safe and blessed Christmas!

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