About Christian Schools Australia
Every student is made in the image of God. Therefore the unique needs of every child are the primary concern of a Christian school. The Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians emphasises the importance of supporting students’ social, emotional, spiritual and physical development.
A Christian School education meets these important objectives.
“The mission of a Christian school is the spiritual, educational, emotional, social and physical development of every child in a holistic way”
We are called to live as the people of God. The Christian life, is a life lived in communion with God and others. The development of students in a Christian school takes place in community. They are places of belonging, built on shared values and beliefs, and committed to mutual care and respect. They are communities in which Biblical faith, values and beliefs are formative for the school community and integrated into curriculum, practice and culture.
“Christian schools are communities of grace, belief and practice”
As a direct response to Jesus’ example of servant leadership, Christian schools have a strong culture of mission and service both at home and overseas. They educate students to be locally and globally active citizens, concerned about the welfare of others and about using their gifts to serve.
“Christian school students learn to find their purpose in following Jesus’ example, using their gifts to serve others”
Many CSA members were commenced by and remain affiliated with a local church, and draw their enrolments from church families. Others are associated with and supported by members from a number of churches in their local area. In addition, most CSA schools also attract significant enrolments from families who, while not currently attending a Christian church, nonetheless deliberately choose the school because they desire for their children an education that is based upon Christian beliefs and values.
“CSA member schools are closely aligned with parents and churches in their communities. They are one of the expressions of the body of Christ, serving parents by partnering with them in the education of the children”
Governance – Structure
Christian Schools Australia (CSA) is a voluntary fellowship of autonomous Christian schools. The legal entity for CSA, Christian Schools Australia Limited, is a not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee which is established to be, and to continue as, a charity. The company is registered with the ACNC. You can read our statement of faith here and our Charter of Membership here.
Each member school plays an important role in the CSA governance arrangements. Member schools:
- Nominate candidates for election to State and National Councils;
- Elect, along with other member schools in their state, the members of the State Council;
- Elect, as part of the whole membership, three candidates to the National Council;
- Receive reports on the company’s operations and finances at least annually both at a State and National level;
- Approve the Constitution which governs the operations of CSA and any amendments to that Constitution.
The National Council is the ‘board’ of CSA with responsibility for the oversight of the operations of the company. The National Council is comprised of:
- The Chairs of each State Council, or their nominee;
- Three elected Councillors, nominated and elected by the members each three years;
- Up to three appointed Councillors, appointed by the National Council itself to supplement and enhance their skills and capabilities.